Monday, July 20, 2009

Nuclear Fallouts with Liam Neeson

i'm not one to talk about video games on this blog since well it's about music and our show but i feel like i need to talk about bethesda softworks excellent masterpiece entitled fallout 3. i have had this game for several months now from maybe a month after it came out and i played it casually on my old pc since it couldnt handle it at the high standards it is reccomended to be played on so i rly never got too into it. so with my new pc and fallout 3 on here i started up again since several ppl i knew were playing fallout at the time so i started up and i couldnt stop. it became a new addiction of mine and i had to play it all the way through. the story had me even though it was so simple and technically short, you could do the main quest only in maybe eight hours but why would you do that when there is so many side quests and the expansions to be played!!!!??

the game is similar to an rpg in which you level up and you have skills you have to carefully think about and decisions to make in conversations with other characters. what is real cool is that they have a dnd based alignment system. well its not rly exactly dnd but its similar in the fact that you are very evil, evil, neutral, good or very good and you have a title under it which pretty much says what you are, and based on your alignment you can attract certain followers. you can also buy slaves and they arent just black either

there is so many options in this game, its rich with oppurtunity for you to do so much. you dont like being evil? easy to fix that; just do good things, dont fucking kill everyone you meet. some people would do that, kill first ask questions later, well that just isnt the way the game is played...cough cough.

i mean some of the characters have the same voice, i swear they only used two black voice actors and maybe three white ones. but the best voice actor in the game is the great liam neeson who voices your father even if you are black, which is fucking funny if you ask me.

the whole story revovles around your daddy leaving the vault, your little slice of heaven in a post nuclear war of a world. you leave since well you love your daddy and want to find him. youll meet a strange list of folks from the radio dj three dog to the crazy do this crazy experiment for me moira brown. the side quests help you develop your character which is real neat but like most dnd campaigns you can only reach level 20 unless you get the broken steel expansion.

this game is a must buy by all accounts
GRADE: 10/10, A+, or any other way to say fucking awesome

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