Saturday, October 24, 2009

Raditude Early Thoughts

Weezer as we know it is putting out a new album. Totally awesome right? We go from the early part of the decade to the mid without an album then bam we get the mediocre Make Believe (but in their defense they were trying to sound different). We wait a few more years then get the Red Album which had some redeeming tracks on it but other than that it was a step better than Make Believe.

So when I found out about Raditude I was most likely skeptical. I can't go into the November release date with high hopes which is a shame because I did that with The Red Album. Since 2005 it feels like Weezer is more of a singles band, a band that makes catchy chart topping hits that are good while the rest of their album is kinda bland compared to the rest of it. But that's how most pop albums are, so why is Weezer feeling like this?

When the first single was played I had some hope, catchy, head bobbing esque style. I was happy thinking man Weezer might pull it off. The next single I'm Your Daddy felt a bit of a step down but at the same time I feel like cringing when I pick up my copy at the record store and place it on my iPod and then just get this look of disgust.

Let's hope this doesn't join my list of disappointments for 2009 which would join Muse's The Resistance.

1 comment:

Dude With The Headphones said...


*note: this comment is soley for the purpose on annoying Kyle**, and may or me not be affiliated with the true feelings of the commenter
**Kyle is a sexy beast***
***Tim's ass is sexier